Trace Elements

The regular addition of trace elementsis essential for the successfulcare of lower animals, higher algae(e.g. coralline algae), corals and fish.Although a large portion of traceelements is replenished by regularlychanging the water, part of thetrace elements and nutrients arealready lost after a few days or havealready been consumed by coralsand other organisms.Also, a regularchange of water cannot replenishthe consumed trace elements to100 %.To optimise and stabilise thewater values, trace elements musttherefore be regularly added to theaquarium.

Power Calcium
Power Calcium

Calcium Forming Agent

Dosing Pump P4 Smart
Dosing Pump P4 Smart

Intelligent dosing pump

Magnesium liquid
Magnesium liquid

Liquid Magnesium Provider

Calcium liquid
Calcium liquid

Liquid Calcium Provider

KH+ liquid
KH+ liquid

Liquid KH-Generator

Liquid Trace Element Mixture
Liquid Trace Element Mixture

Liquid Mixture of Trac...

Amino 24
Amino 24

Special amino acid mix

Jod 24
Jod 24

essential trace element

Eisen 24
Eisen 24

Trace element iron

Strontium 24
Strontium 24

structure and trace el...