
Fish need feed.Corals do as well! Fish and corals have adaptedto specific diets in their naturalenvironments over millions of yearsand have developed many differentstrategies for absorbing nutrients.The slow-sinking DuplaMarin FineFeed Granulate, for example, suitsthe natural feeding habits and feedrequirements of marine water fish.But corals need to be fed as well.Although most stone corals hostingzooxanthellae (e.g. Acropora)mainly feed off the metabolism oftheir symbiotic algae at the surfaceof the coral polyps, which use lightto generate the required nutrientssuch as sugar, glycerine and aminoacids, studies have shown that thesupply of nutrients through thezooxanthellae is insufficient for thecorals and that nitrogen compounds,amino acids, vitamins andorganic compounds are required fortheir metabolism. Since the coralshosting zooxanthellae are not ableto produce sufficient amounts, ifany, of these substances, the coralcovers this requirement by meansof active nutrient uptake throughpolyps. Corals must also be fed!

Gel-o-Juice Coral Food phyto 50 ml
Gel-o-Juice Coral Food phyto 50 ml

Gel-o-Juice Coral Food 50 ml
Gel-o-Juice Coral Food 50 ml

Gel-o-Juice Artemia Micro 50 ml
Gel-o-Juice Artemia Micro 50 ml

Coral Food
Coral Food

Dietary Supplement

Coral Food phyto
Coral Food phyto

microfine suspended feed

Eeze Powder
Eeze Powder

ideal plankton substitute
