Frag Fix

150 g (Item No.:81617)

Product details

Frag Fix is a fast-acting adhesive for coral fragments (coral offshoots) and frag plugs which is clean and easy to use. The fast-acting thermoplastic glue is absolutely free of solvents and can be reused.

Usage: Frag Fix is activated after reaching 65° C and sets within 10 minutes. Frag Fix is simply heated up with hot water. Once the beads become translucent, they can be used. Frag Fix can also be used underwater for rapid adhesion and will set in 1 minute. 1 measuring spoon or approx. 8 g of Frag Fix is enough to fix 2 - 3 coral offshoots. 150 g of Frag Fix is enough to fix about 50 - 60 coral fragments.
Note: Frag Fix is hot when it is used and must therefore be handled with care.


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